Staff Urged to Join Our Open Conversations
Our Open Conversations are an opportunity for all staff working in health and care in Birmingham and Solihull to safely, openly and anonymously share views and ideas on how we can together build a better place to work – with the promise that what you say will be heard, recognised and actioned. The Conversations take place online and are independently facilitated.
Why are we doing this?
We want to have an honest dialogue and tap into our workforce’s collective wisdom because we know that our people hold the answers to many of the challenges we face.
The first Conversation will be live from 30 November to 14 accessible 24/7 from any device.
What happens with what is said?
Using the insights from the first Conversation, we will create a first draft action plan, which you can check and challenge in the second Conversation in Spring 2024. We will then use your feedback to produce our action plan to make our system the best place to work
How do I get involved?
All health and social care staff working in Birmingham and Solihull can register via the website:
Thanks so much for getting involved in this exciting opportunity. Let’s build the best place to work together.