Paramedic Blog
So what will 2022 bring for us all in the ever-changing world of Paramedics in Primary Care? The HEE Paramedic RoadMap will always keep us busy as we transit from ‘Truck Life’ to the Primary Care setting. Training Hub are working hard on many projects including trying to mitigate the large grey areas between stage one and stage two. This is when you leave your comfort blanket of the Emergency Service and take the plunge of joining a Primary Care Network. Not only is this a massively scary time because you are out of your comfort zone, but because you are no longer a big fish in a small pond anymore, and you feel you are starting again. This point between stage one and two has the least amount of support or guidance, therefore has been identified as a grey area of concern, which we are working hard to fix through engagement with the HEE and organising peer support.
Continual Professional Development continues to be at the forefront at Training Hub with the trialling of hybrid models of training. We understand that for convenience sake Teams and Zoom training is here to stay, but we also address the fact that not all subject matter can be taught through this medium. Therefore we will be offering in 2022 hybrid models of CPD so you can have a choice of online or a limited amount of face to face training too. CPD is still a driving force in Training Hub and more so as a Paramedic as this role is still in its infancy.
After a successful pilot in 2021 with 1st Year Student Paramedics, for the first time, had a placement in their first year other than an ambulance service. Training Hub offered Nursing home placements and will again offer this to a full cohort in 2022. As we are becoming an aging society, it is vitally important in our field that we can communicate efficiently to an aging population, as a Paramedic. This skill is not taught, but very much learned by important placements like this.
The year brings again more adverts for Paramedics starting their journey in to Primary Care and with this comes the background work, supporting federations in employment, finding University courses and making sure they follow the RoadMap. In 2020, our numbers were nine, and now they are fourth one in the BSoL area, which is one of the fastest growth of Paramedics in Primary Care in the UK increasing by almost 400%.
Traditionally as a HCPC Paramedic, you qualify, become a newly qualified Paramedic and work your way through your competencies, plateauing as a fully qualified member of staff. The only movement you have now is to slightly move up to an advanced Paramedic or go sideways in to another role such as HART, mentor or CCP. However, here lies the difference, in Primary Care we are continually learning and bettering our knowledge with attending CPD, courses, webinars and the added bonus of being asked to specialise in a chosen field within our PCN. The learning is constant and no time to even think about a comfort zone, however the rewards are worth the work with total involvement within your PCN and your MDT.
Summarising on a fingers crossed year, the PCN Paramedic programme will go from strength to strength and the Paramedics of Birmingham and Solihull with have the support they need to really rubber stamp this new role and put us squarely on the map of Primary Care.
Jason Jeffries-Lloyd
Paramedic Facilitator BSoL Training Hub & Paramedic Lead SDS.