Nursing Associates

For Nursing Associates & Training Nursing Associates
Picture of Nursing Associate

Useful Links & Resources

Scroll through the links below or click below to access our folder

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What is a nursing associate? | NHS Employers

The Code: 

Professional standards of practice and behaviour for nurses, midwives and nursing associates

 Becoming a Nurse Associate

Nursing associates | Health Education England (

Becoming a nursing associate – The Nursing and Midwifery Council (

Nursing Associates –
Their role in General Practice


Standards for nursing associates – The Nursing and Midwifery Council (


Revalidating as a nursing associate – The Nursing and Midwifery Council (

Reading Resources

The Green Book

National Standards of Healthcare Cleanliness

B0271-national-standards-of-healthcare-cleanliness-2021.pdf (

BSol Formulary

Employers Resources

Employer resources | Health Education England (

Useful Links

The Care Certificate

Functional Skills   Maths and English

RCN First Steps

The National Wound Care Core Capabilities Framework

Lower Limbs

 Diabetes and Foot Ulcers

LMC Guidence for the use of chaperones in a primary care and community settings.

NHS England » Preventing and managing skin tears in residential homes

Want to become a nursing associate or are you already?
Click here for practical guidance to support nurses’ career development, from new starters to senior nurses

Useful Links & Resources

Becoming a Nurse Associate

Nursing associates | Health Education England (

Role of nursing associates in vaccinationPosition Statement RCN