Healthcare Support Worker
Overview of the role
A healthcare support worker (HCSW) is a key member of the nursing workforce. They work under the supervision of a healthcare professional, supporting them and helping patients on their journey back to full health.
Within primary care, they are essential patient-facing roles that have both clinical and administrative responsibilities. They may collect vital signs such as pulse, temperature, blood pressure and blood glucose levels. The HCSW may also be asked to set up equipment, update patient health records and ensure that medical supplies are in stock.
Find out more about the role below …
This resource consists of best practice recommendations, resources and a core capability framework.
The Care Quality Clinician may seek evidence regarding the supervision and support provided to HCSWs. Utilising this document fully as part of an agreed personal development plan may go some way to providing this.
Code of conduct
The HCSW code of conduct document is commonly used alongside the Care Certificate. It describes how a support worker should behave and the Care Certificate describes the minimum things they must know and be able to do. Click here for more information
The care certificate can be accessed at The Care Certificate | 11 Standards for Care | authored by Skills for Health. This can also be accessed on Blue Stream. Click here to access training on Blue Stream
Frequently asked questions
How do I join the HCSW WhatsApp group and mailing list?
Contact shelly.caines@nhs.net. Your email will act as your evidence of consent. Don’t forget to add which mobile number you would like to be added.
Is there a Professional Network Forum for HCSWs?
Yes there are four delivered throughout the year. Two of which are face-to-face and two are virtual.
The professional network will provide peer support, training and education and a safe space to escalate any concerns. To find out more liaise with shelly.caines@nhs.net
How can I access the HCSW Apprenticeship Programme?
BSol Training Hub work with South and City College to access a HCSW Apprenticeship bespoke to primary care. To find out more liaise with shelly.caines@nhs.net
How do I access Maths and English for career progression?
BSol Training Hub work with South and City College to provide functional skills for those that have not achieved Maths and English within their educational journey. To find out more liaise with shelly.caines@nhs.net