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Join us for an insightful 60-minute workshop on retaining personal assistants in social care.

This session is your gateway to understanding the critical issue of personal assistant turnover in the social care sector. Discover the compelling research findings that underscore the significance of retention, and delve into the root causes behind turnover rates. Learn actionable strategies derived from evidence-based practices to foster a positive work environment, offer competitive compensation, and provide growth opportunities.

Through captivating case studies, we’ll showcase real-world success stories that demonstrate the transformative power of effective retention efforts. Gain practical insights, and contribute to a dynamic Q&A session.

Session aims:

  • highlight the challenges faced by individual employers in retaining personal assistants
  • learn evidence-based findings on retention rates
  • hear examples from individual employers who have successfully retained staff.

Who should attend?

Individual employers and those who support individual employers – direct payment officers, ULOs etc.

This workshop will be run on Zoom

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