Explore Roles in Primary Care

Historically general practice roles have been limited to GPs, Nurses, Healthcare Assistants and Admin and Management teams. In order to continue delivery safe and effective care practices are now employing ‘new roles’ such Pharmacists, Physiotherapists, Physician Associates. These roles come with their own specific skills to complement and support our existing teams, providing a multi-disciplinary team approach to the delivery of healthcare in the future.

The Training Hub works with all stakeholders to ensure that we deliver the right staff with the necessary skills at the right time. We do this by working with our local practices and education institutes to provide placements; support practices and PCNs with recruitment; provide training and continuing professional development for our staff and support the practices with workforce planning so we can manage the numbers of staff needed, ensuring they are at the right place at the right time.

Advanced Clinical Practitioner
General Practice Nurse 
Healthcare Support Worker
Admin and Receptionist
GP Assistant
Personalised Care Roles
Pharmacy Technician
Physician Associate

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